Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Reactivity Definition in Chemistry

In chemistry, reactivity is a measure of how readily a substance undergoes a chemical reaction. The reaction can involve the substance on its own or with other atoms or compounds, generally accompanied by a release of energy. The most reactive elements and compounds may ignite spontaneously or explosively. They generally burn in water as well as the oxygen in the air. Reactivity is dependent upon temperature. Increasing temperature increases the energy available for a chemical reaction, usually making it more likely. Another definition of reactivity is that it is the scientific study of chemical reactions and their kinetics. Reactivity Trend in the Periodic Table The organization of elements on the periodic table allows for predictions concerning reactivity. Both highly electropositive and highly electronegative elements have a strong tendency to react. These elements are located in the upper right and lower left corners of the periodic table and in certain element groups. The halogens, alkali metals, and alkaline earth metals are highly reactive. The most reactive element is fluorine, the first element in the  halogen group.The most reactive metal is francium, the last alkali metal (and most expensive element). However, francium is an unstable radioactive element, only found in trace amounts. The most reactive metal that has a stable isotope is cesium, which is located directly above francium on the periodic table.The least reactive elements are the noble gases. Within this group, helium is the least reactive element, forming no stable compounds.Metal can have multiple oxidation states and tend to have intermediate reactivity. Metals with low reactivity are called noble metals.  The least reactive metal is platinum, followed by gold. Because of their low reactivity, these metals dont readily dissolve in strong acids. Aqua regia, a mixture of nitric acid and hydrochloric acid, is used to dissolve platinum and gold. How Reactivity Works A substance reacts when the products formed from a chemical reaction have lower energy (higher stability) than the reactants. The energy difference can be predicted using valence bond theory, atomic orbital theory, and molecular orbital theory. Basically, it boils down to the stability of electrons in their orbitals. Unpaired electrons with no electrons in comparable orbitals are the most likely to interact with orbitals from other atoms, forming chemical bonds. Unpaired electrons with degenerate orbitals that are half-filled are more stable but still reactive. The least reactive atoms are those with a filled set of orbitals (octet). The stability of the electrons in atoms determines not only the reactivity of an atom but its valence and the type of chemical bonds it can form. For example, carbon usually has a valence of 4 and forms 4 bonds because its ground state valence electron configuration is half-filled at  2s2  2p2. A simple explanation of reactivity is that it increases with the ease of accepting or donating an electron. In the case of carbon, an atom can either accept 4 electrons to fill its orbital or (less often) donate the four outer electrons. While the model is based on atomic behavior, the same principle applies to ions and compounds. Reactivity is affected by the physical properties of a sample, its chemical purity, and the presence of other substances. In other words, reactivity depends on the context in which a substance is viewed. For example, baking soda and water are not particularly reactive, while baking soda and vinegar readily react to form carbon dioxide gas and sodium acetate. Particle size affects reactivity. For example, a pile of corn starch is relatively inert. If one applies a direct flame to the starch, its difficult to initiate a combustion reaction. However, if the corn starch is vaporized to make a cloud of particles, it readily ignites. Sometimes the term reactivity  is also used to describe how quickly a material will react or the rate of the chemical reaction. Under this definition the chance of reacting and the speed of the reaction are related to each other by the rate law: Rate = k[A] Where rate is the change in molar concentration per second in the rate-determining step of the reaction, k is the reaction constant (independent of concentration), and [A] is the product of the molar concentration of the reactants raised to the reaction order (which is one, in the basic equation). According to the equation, the higher the reactivity of the compound, the higher its value for k and rate. Stability Versus Reactivity Sometimes a species with low reactivity is called stable, but care should be taken to make the context clear. Stability can also refer to slow radioactive decay or to the transition of electrons from the excited state  to less energetic levels (as in luminescence). A nonreactive species may be called inert. However, most inert species actually do react under the right conditions to form complexes and compounds (e.g., higher atomic number noble gases).

Friday, May 15, 2020

Time Management Is Key For Junior Leaders For Multiple...

Time management is key for junior leaders for multiple reasons, and it will help them overcome leadership challenges that they will face. If a junior officer is able to master time management they should be able to handle almost any task that is thrown their way better than they would if they put everything off until the last minute. Some key things that must be handled before any junior officers are able to handle their time management in a better way are, knowing time is limited, having it become a priority for everyone, reducing their stress, and allowing themselves to have free time through out their day. A couple of these simple key factors from time is limited, are you cannot go back in time. What this means is that no matter what you do or how you spend your time there are only seven days a week, twenty-four hours in a day, and sixty minutes per hour. What this means is that no matter how hard badly you feel like you will need more time in a day to accomplish your tasks, time is set. Next by exercising good time management junior officers will be able to set the standard to make it a priority for everyone to turn in all of their things on time. Once this happens it can become an organizational priority, which will not only make individuals successful, but also everyone as a whole. If junior officers are able to enter the fleet and set this standard it will help them to overcome leadership challenges that are thrown their way. Third it is impossible to get anythingShow MoreRelatedTechnology At Rosetta Inpharmatics Inc1712 Words   |  7 PagesInstitute for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine at the University of Washington. Serendipitously I had the opportunity to be involved with a team who was at the forefront of the development of this technology at Rosetta Inpharmatics Inc. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Impact of Education in European, Asian, and Islamic...

â€Å"Education is a state-controlled manufactory of echoes.†- Norman Douglas There is much truth to the quote stated above by Norman Douglas, especially during the 900-1300 when industrialization, agricultural innovation, international trade, and religious conquest rocked the European, Asian, and Islamic societies. The quest for unification and cultural/religious spread during this turbulent times were answered by universities that created men of an educated class. Higher education became the state and religion controlled medium to reinforce the agenda of established religious leaders and political authorities. The court Elites and local religious leaders prized education and spend considerable wealth towards establishing and growing it, for†¦show more content†¦(Smith, 2012, p. 427) His effort helped him spread religion towards unreached boundaries of the past through faithful followers and the use of vernacular language to connect with local communities ( (Smith, 2012, p. 428). Like the Deli Sultans, the Song emperor in China was also successful in using education to spread Neo-Confucianism ideas through the Civil Service Exams . Education in various regions reflected the religious ideas of prominent religious leaders, thus becoming the metaphorical hand that reached into uncharted territories to â€Å"enlighten† the unenlightened. More than reaching the uncharted depth with â€Å"enlightenment† of a philosophical idea however, , higher education also proved to be a powerful tool to spread political unification through propaganda. With the increase in land territory, there was a growing need to find a point of unification for the cultural melting pots that submersed society. Religion was used for such task at one point, but as division began to increase in religious societies like Latin Christendom, higher education became the second chance at unifying a nation. Charlemagne who sought to unify the land under one right religion, proudly supported and closely allied with the spread of education of the one true faith through education. Charlemagne and his predecessors devoted considerable wealth, protection, and emphasis on Classical learning prompted by propagating the one true faith. (Smith,Show MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prenti ce Hall393164 Words   |  1573 Pages10.5/12 ITC New Baskerville Std Credits and acknowledgments borrowed from other sources and reproduced, with permission, in this textbook appear on the appropriate page within text. Copyright  © 2013, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice Hall. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. This publication is protected by Copyright, and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Republic Act free essay sample

Section 3. Authority of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue to Inquire into Bank Deposit Accounts and Related Information Held by Financial Institutions. Section 6(F) of Republic Act No. 8424, as amended, otherwise known as the National Revenue Code of 1997, as amended, is hereby further amended to read as follows: SEC. 6. Power of the Commissioner to Make Assessments and Prescribe Additional Requirements for Tax Administration and Enforcement. xxx (F) Authority of the Commissioner to Inquire into Bank Deposit Accounts and Other Related Information Held by Financial Institutions. Notwithstanding any contrary provision of Republic Act No. 1405, Republic Act No. 6426, otherwise known as the Foreign Currency Deposit Act of the Philippines, and other general and special laws, the Commissioner is hereby authorized to inquire into the bank deposits and other related information held by financial institutions of: (1) A decedent to determine his gross estate. (2) Any taxpayer who has filed an application for compromise of his tax liability under Sec. We will write a custom essay sample on Republic Act or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 204 (A)(2) reason of financial incapacity to pay his tax liability. In case a taxpayer files an application to compromise the payment of his tax liabilities on his claim that his financial position demonstrates a clear inability to pay the tax assessed, his application shall not be considered unless and until he waives in writing his privilege under Republic Act No. 1405, Republic Act No. 6426, otherwise known as the Foreign Currency Deposit Act of the Philippines, or under other general or special laws, and such waiver shall constitute the authority of the Commissioner to inquire into  the bank deposits of the taxpayer. (3) A specific taxpayer or taxpayers subject of a request for the supply of tax information from a foreign tax authority pursuant to an international convention or agreement on tax matters to which the Philippines is a signatory or a party of: Provided, That the information obtained from the banks and other financial institutions may be used by the Bureau of Internal Revenue for tax assessment, verification, audit and enforcement purposes. In case of request from a foreign tax authority for tax information held by banks and financial institutions, the exchange of information shall be done in a secure manner to ensure confidentiality thereof under such rules and regulations as may be promulgated by the Secretary of Finance, upon recommendation of the Commissioner.